
Posts Tagged ‘Manual Testing’

Gamifying life of a software tester using AI/Machine learning

In Automation, Games, test case, Tools on August 15, 2022 at 8:06 am

The life of some software testers simply seems to

1. Open their machine, look at instructions open a tool and

2. Start executing test cases (which are either written by them or by someone else) repeatedly

I have seen many testers simply having a routine, and executing the same tests – especially the ones that cannot be automated (sometimes several). This is so demotivating!

A pragmatic appraisal of several things can lead to a solution.

Gamifying testing – make testing habit forming.

How? While we may not have tons of content for a machine learning algorithm we do have some test cases as a dataset. However each test case can be subjected to tons of tiny variations, a simple change in settings, to change in a tester’s/user’s behavior towards the app. Each and every change in setting/different behavior can be used to make a recommendation to the tester to be tried out. A good natural language algorithm should do the trick.

Rewards: Tester can be rewarded for various reasons ranging from attempting to execute a recommended test just as it happens in many engaging, habit forming apps. Giving them some points, rewards, badges, certificates etc.

The situation should be something like, the tester opening the gaming app – the application recommends a test case with some variation/technique.

Hope it becomes habit forming. Can we make one such app? Are you game?

Learn Software Testing in just 30 days! Fast track options available

In Software Testing, Software testing training, Testing Jobs on November 6, 2011 at 6:38 am

The trainer has been in the IT industry for more than 9 years, most of which have been in Software testing.
Location: Bangalore
Training type: Open House – everyone is welcome
Contact ezeetester@gmail.com
blog: https://ezeetester.wordpress.com

  1. Software Development Life cycle -Different types and their impact on testing
  2. Types of systems
  3. Risk Management
  4. Manual testing of products
  5. Test Processes – Understanding requirements,Test plans, Designing test cases – various methodologies, reporting results
  6. Hands on training on all of these
  7. Test strategies and test levels- Regression testing, Integration testing, System testing,
  8. Estimation techniques
  9. Defect life cycle
  10. Writing effective defect reports
  11. Virtual management
  12. Bug advocacy
  13. Need for multiple methods of communication
  14. Preparation for interviews

Case studies based on real life situations in testing projects.

Preference will be given to people who have access to a system.

Debunking the myth: Is Automation Testing the only answer?

In Software Testing on January 22, 2011 at 1:51 pm

Too many testers seem to have the same Question – Automated testing or manual testing?  Is Automation the only way forward?  Does manual  testing have no value? This question seems to be on everyones mind.  Several job openings specifically mention the requirement, that experience in automation is required.  This seems to make sense, as a majority of outsourced projects to India consists of mundane work, which includes but is not limited to comparing two sets of data, verifying if the output from an older version matches with the input of the newer version etc.  These kind of activities can really kill a testers analytical and bug detection skills.  A fellow tester who has been working in the testing industry for about 6 years now had to relent that the role that he performs the above mentioned tasks manually and feels he is not doing justice to his background (which includes a Masters in Computer Science).  Unfortunately, it is the feedback from these people which gives the testing profession a repulsive outlook to many of my juniors that I have seen over the years. Ultimately the choice of whether to Automate or go Manual with the testing effort solely rests with the client ( I am referring to the Software services Industry).  I believe it is under these circumstances, that automation can definitely help.  Yes, I know there are a lot of other things that we need to consider such as budget needed for licenses of  some tools that are so expensive, that it makes me wonder whether there would be a Return on Investment at all.  Add to the fact that some companies would enforce a de commissioning of their tools with which the skills learned could also become totally obsolete.  Yes I know open source tools could bring down the costs, but the timely support may once again cause expenditure on Investment rather than a return on investment.  These very thoughts are scary enough for the customer to go manual.  Yes I am a strong supporter of manual testing, but please spare us the mundane torture.