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Interview Consulting

In Software Testing, Testing Jobs on January 1, 2012 at 4:28 pm

How many times have you been to  an interview (by invitation only) , only to find hundreds of candidates waiting for the interview which has only a few panel members to interview you? Well the answer is almost always.
How many times has it been that, in the situation mentioned above, most candidates leave as it takes too long?  The answer is almost always
How many times has it been in a situation mentioned above that, you find out that your CV has not been screened and you have been asked to leave as your skills do not match, that too after waiting for  more than a few hours on a weekend, when you needed time for yourself? The answer is almost always.

The above mentioned issues affect all kinds of companies Large, Medium and Small.  The problem is getting hold of several panels that can handle crowds that run into anywhere from a few hundreds to more than a thousand candidates on a  given day. On such a day some elimination tactic is used and unfortunately some really good candidates get eliminated.   This tactic is ad hoc and no clear guidelines for either selection or elimination. It’s really depressing!

However, I am of the opinion that such companies should use an idea called interview consulting.  Interview consulting could involve people with some years of experience in the relevant field who can freelance as interviewers also.  These people can be advised by the HR for the expectations that need to be met and guidelines they could use.  This can reduce the logjam faced by the candidates at the interviews.