
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

One more expected result to your test case

In Automation, Expectation management, Software Testing, Software testing training, test case, test case design, test case template, Uncategorized on May 23, 2020 at 3:30 pm

One of the most common test cases that we see is

Test Step: 

  1. Launch the url of the app under test
  2. Enter valid credentials in the login and password fields
  3. Click Login

Expected result: User should be able to login

Alright, you just have one expected result.  Is that all there is to it?

The answer is a big NO.

As testers we need to have a 360 degree view.  One part of which is to look at the logs just for the login test written above

The expected results could contain the standard apis, and any ‘stuff’ that should  be running in the backgound for the login feature.

Unfortunately, most of us look at logs only when we see a bug.

Automation can definitely help for a lot of test cases.

Manually, for High priority cases to start off with.



Debunking the myth of solving an interview puzzle, in the one and only way

In Uncategorized on March 14, 2015 at 3:29 pm

David, Charles, Edwin and Fred are four candidates who have turned up for an interview.  This is for a position in software testing. David has just started reading about Epistemology.  Charles has practiced several puzzles passively(tries a little, but then simply memorizes the solutions). Edwin is a guy who is Sociable and his friendly demeanor helps him out in “situations”.  Frey never hesitates to ask for help from anyone

One typical question, asked in a testing interview is about the 3 vending machines. One has orange juice, the second has grape and the third has both (it vends alternatively).  The problem is all the machine labels are wrong.  How many coins do you need  to label all of them correctly.

Here is the answer provided by each candidate:

David: “I would go close to each and every machine and sniff.  I’ ll start with the machine labeled orange, If the vending machine smells like grape juice, I note it down I try to open the lid of the machine and see what is stocked inside, remove the jug taste a little and if it feels like grape juice I would change the label immediately.  Just  repeat this step for the other two machines. This way I may never have to use even one coin.”

Charles: Thinks for a while (I think I have read this somewhere) and then responds ” Since the labels are wrong, I would use that coin on the machine labeled (falsely) Grape/Orange and whatever juice comes out I will label accordingly. i.e. if grape comes out I’ll remove the label from the grape juice machine and exchange it. I will use 2  coins consecutively on the other machine and if it simply gives the same juice (Orange) consecutively I would label that as Orange, and this would make the other machine get the label Orange/Grape.”

Edwin: “I would get friendly with the housekeeping staff and ask them what juice was loaded in which machine and if necessary use one coin to eliminate other possibilities”

Fred: “I would simply use the coin on any machine and label it. For finding about other machines I would ask a few friends to lend me 2-3 coins and get the juice and finally label all of them. This way I am not using more coins from you”

The interviewer, is happy with Charles as they believe he figured out the right answer as it’s been on the web and he also thinks similarly.

This puzzle is basically about the misleading labels one would encounter in complex systems. However, I would give credit to everyone. Situations differ and scarcity of coins can be handled in different ways.

Offshoring may not remain a low cost option after all…

In Uncategorized on July 9, 2011 at 3:15 am

Many a time I wonder as to why, developed countries offshore to countries which do not have good infrastructure.  The answers range from availability of talent (preferably English speaking, and low costs).   However, low cost may not remain an advantage after some time.  Consider this, the infrastructure in developed countries is superior.  The roads, essential supplies like water, electricity are well regulated.  I believe all efforts to sustain this plus having a legal system that is not corruptible, comes at a cost which can be overwhelming at times.  This is where some developing countries have an advantage only as far as cost is concerned.  Yes, you may argue that China has got good infrastructure, and remains a low cost option.  This may not be true for a long time.  Unfortunately, although India has poor infrastructure in terms of essential services as compared to developed countries.  We are way ahead in this world in terms of availability of talent (English speaking. This is our trump card).  Sooner or later rising inflation may bring out wage hikes leading to higher billing rates thereby diluting the low cost argument which works to our advantage.  Low cost is completely unsustainable over a period of time.

IT industry, Testing and social relevance

In Software Testing, Testing Jobs, Uncategorized on January 22, 2011 at 3:05 pm

Some testers are good, some testers are bad, some testers just work for a salary.

I seem to think most Software testers at least in India, or as a matter of fact many in the IT industry are here just for Social relevance.  The image of the IT industry seems to be a ticket for affordability of a car, or for getting married.  Come recession and these so called  sought after grooms go out of favor with the girls parents.  Not many of us love our job.  It is high time we discovered what we like and stop this herd mentality.

A tribute to Watts Humphrey

In Uncategorized on November 29, 2010 at 5:31 pm

I would like to start blogging after offering a tribute to Mr. Watts Humphrey from the SEI.  Mr. watts passed away recently- in November 2010.